This substance may be hazardous to the environment , the water should be given special attention.
7) Storage information
Keep container closed and store in a cool , dry place.
3. Applications:
1) Promote the dwarf of stem, and adjust the height and shape of ornamental plants, without affecting the flowering
( For example: Chrysanthemum, tulip, and other flowers).
2) Improve the balance between vegetative growth and fruit production, to synchronize fruit maturity, and to improve fruit quality( For example: Tomato, potato. strawberry, and other vegtable and fruits).
3) Increase of crop drought resistance and cold resistance, prevent flower and fruit drop.
berfungsi sebagai percepatan pertumbuhan ,perpanjangan tanaman dan prioritas pada stimulans akar , pengembangan sel , pembentukan kalus , pertumbuhan organ tanaman ,batang,buah,dan partenocarpy. Aplikasi dosis : 100ml + air s/d 1 liter
berfungsi untuk melipatgandakan jumlah kromosom dalam inti sel , sehingga tanaman menjadi Diploidisasi-Tetraploid-giant(meraksasa) . Aplikasi dosis : 100ml + air s/d 1 liter, perendaman akar 12 jam colchicine - 12 jam air - 12 jam colchicine, langsung ditanam. untuk biji direndam 24 jam dosis pekat
berfungsi untuk merangsang pembungaan dan pembuahan serta sangat perkecambahan,perpanjangan sel , aktifitas cambium dan mendukung pembentukan RNA baru-sintesa protein.termasuk dalam golongan ini adalah : GA1-GA2-GA3-GA4-GA5 dapat di aaplikasikan dalam kultur jaringan tanaman untuk pertumbuhan kalus dan tunas dan mambantu perekayasa tanaman buah agar berbuah di luar musim Aplikasi dosis : 100ml + air s/d 1 liter
berfungsi untuk menstimulasi bunga - pembungaan lebih bersifat menghentikan proses pertumbuhan tanaman sehingga cadangan karbohidrat menjadi lebih banyak dalam tanaman kemungkinan tanaman segera berbunga dan berbuah . Aplikasi dosis : 100ml + air s/d 1-2 liter
KAMI PUNYA SOLUSI cara memperbesar alat vital anda TERDAHSYAT "Vi max Kapsul" Obat Pembesar Alat Vital terbaik dan satu satu nya obat yang paling ampuh. Solusi Obat Pria Perkasa "Vi max" Nyata Bikin Ukuran Alat Vital Anda Menjadi : BESARPANJANGKERASKUATTAHAN LAMA. Berulang-Ulang 100% Hasil PERMANEN Aman Tanpa Efek Samping (Obat Herbal Alami).
Vi max Capsule Juga Berfungsi Untuk Menaikkan Libido&Stamina Pria Dan Juga Mengencangkan Alat Vital Ketika E-reksi. Obat Ini Dibuat Dari Tumbuhan Herbal Dari Polinesia Yang Sudah Dipercaya Khasiatnya.
Jika Anda Memiliki Alat Vital Yang Kecil,Maka Tidak Peduli Seberapa Baik Maupun Tampan. Berapa Lama Anda Akan Bisa Mempertahankan Istri Anda? Sebagian Besar Pernikahan Berakhir Dengan Perselingkuhan Karena Memiliki Masalah Dalam Hal Berhubungan Intim.
Kami Pernah Melakukan Survei Terhadap Lebih Dari 50.000 Perempuan, Ternyata Mereka Lebih Memilih Ukuran Alat Vital Yang Lebih Baik Dalam Panjang Dan Besarnya. Lihat Hasilnya Dan Buat Keputusan Apakah Anda Akan Menggunakan Vi max Kapsul Atau Tidak Sama Sekali.
VI MAX Berkhasiat: >Memprbesar & Memperpanjang 5-7cm Dari ukuran semula. >Mengencangkan E-reksi. >Menambah Hasrat Saat Berhubungan. >Berhubungan jadi Tahan Lama. >Menyehatkan Hubungan Intim. >Menambah Hormon/Kental. >Mengobati Ejakulasi-Dini (ED). >Atasi Lemah Syahwat.
(Hasil Permanen & Aman Tanpa Efek Samping Obat Herbal Alami).
Spesifikasi: Asal Negara : CANADA 1 BOTOL ISI 30CAPSULE
Ovaprim, the world leading spawning agent, is now the first legally marketed US FDA Indexed injection product for use with ornamental finfish broodstock (MIF 900-001).
Ovaprim is a potent ovulating/spermiating agent used to promote and facilitate reproduction of many species of fish. Ovaprim is a stable solution that contains OvaRH and a dopamine inhibitor. Time to ovulation following Ovaprim injection is highly predictable, with high egg fertility and viability. Ovaprim utilizes the fish’s own endocrine system to safely induce maturation and coordinate spawning dates. When used in the normal spawning cycle, Ovaprim can synchronize and coordinate maturation in treated fish by inducing maturation without affecting viability or fecundity.
Ovaprim has been tested and proven effective in a wide range of ornamental fish species. For more detailed information, read the Ovaprim Package Insert or FDA Indexed Ovaprim Product Label and Directions on the FDA Website
Use Ovaprim to:
Induce maturation within a spawning season
Advance spawning date
Coordinate and synchronize spawning times
Increase milt production including increased sperm count
Induce maturation in difficult species
Induce spawning in the most important and difficult to spawn species
Ovaprim is available in 10 ml bottles and ships as a non-hazardous product.
Pure IAA is colourless crystal, and turns to rose color when exposed to light. Melting ponit 168169°C, slight soluble in water, easily dissovle in ethyl acetate, unstable in acid and water solution.
Indoleacetic acid (IAA) is a kind of indole broad-spectrum plant
growth regulator with somatotropin activity. 1.It can be used on adventitious root formation, such as tea tree, pepper and so on. 2.It can promote fruitsetting, fruitenlargement, yield- increasing, such as sugar beet, tomato, cornpotato. 3. IAA can promote sprout, seedsoaking, such as rice, cotton, potato, eggplant.
Cholesterol and cholesteryl, a derivative of the cyclopentane hydrogen more thin, is human body cell membrane phase structure and an important component of nerve myelin, weight is 70 kg of normal person, containing about 140 grams of cholesterol in the body, as early as the 18th century, people have found cholesterol in bile stone chemists the herschel in 1816 will be a name to this with the nature of the lipid material cholesterol cholesterol widely exists in animals, especially in the most abundant in the brain and nerve tissue in the liver and kidney and spleen skin bile content is high also its solubility is similar to fat, insoluble in water, soluble in ether chloroform solvent, etc