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Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Macam-Macam Torso




1 Torso Laki besar Rp250,000
2 Torso Wanita Besar Rp250,000
3 Torso Mini Laki Rp115,000
4 Torso Mini Wanita  Rp115,000
5 Kerangka Besar  Rp320,000
6 Torso Seluruh Tubuh 150cm Rp450,000
7 Penampang Lidah  Rp90,000
8 Penamapang Reproduksi Wanita  Rp90,000
9 Penampang Reproduksi Wanita  Rp90,000
10 Penampang daun dan akar Rp90,000
11 Torso Jenazah Laki Rp325,000
12 Torso Jenazah Wanita  Rp325,000
13 Kerangka Mini  Rp175,000
14 Torso Dwifungsi  Rp300,000
15 Garuda 40cm Rp85,000
16 Garuda 50cm Rp100,000
17 Garuda 30cm Rp80,000
18 Globe Kayu  Rp100,000
19 Globe Plastik  Rp95,000
20 Model Jnatung  Rp85,000
21 Model Ginjal  Rp85,000
22 Model tenggorokan Rp85,000
23 Model Mata Rp95,000
24 Model Telinga Rp85,000
25 Model Hidung Rp85,000
26 Model kepala Otak  Rp85,000
27 Planetarium Rp130,000
28 Solar system Rp125,000
Rp 850.000
Rp 600.000Rp 600.000
Torso Dwi Fungsi

Dirancang Berdasarkan anatomi tubuh Manusia dengan bentuk setengah badan dari kepala sampai paha, dua alat kelamin dan dipasang pada papan penyangga, dipergunakan untuk mempelajari bagian-bagian dari anatomi atau organ-organ tubuh manusia.
Bahan : Fiber Glass

Rp 500.000
Rp 450.000Rp 450.000

Torso Jenazah Perempuan

Ukuran Standart 150cm

Sebagai praktik Untuk memandikan jenazah

Bahan ada 2 jenis Fiber dan silicone

harga lebih mahal yang silicone karna lentur

Rp 500.000
Rp 450.000Rp 450.000

Torso Jenazah Laki

Ukuran Standart 150cm

Sebagai praktik Untuk memandikan jenazah

Bahan ada 2 jenis Fiber dan silicone

harga lebih mahal yang silicone karna lentur

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alat Kesehatan PHASCO

Nama Cat Merk
Suction catheter (control thumb / finger tip) All Size Pahsco
NOC Adult Pahsco
NOC Child Pahsco
O2 bubble tube 30 m I 10732 Pahsco
O2 connecting tube - Pahsco
Suction connecting tube - Pahsco
Stomach tube (levin type) with x-ray radio opaque All Size Pahsco
Stomach tube with x-ray radio opaque All Size Pahsco
Rectal tube All Size Pahsco
Umbilical cord - Pahsco
Feeding tube All Size Pahsco
Endostylet All Size Pahsco
Fecal management sys M 08110 Pahsco
Collection bag M 08111 Pahsco
5 in 1 connector O 02012 Pahsco
Mucus extractor G 4010 Pahsco
Yankeur suction tip, crown vented  O 02997 Pahsco
Thoracic cath, without throcar I 12031 Pahsco
Thoracic cath, with throcar I 12033 Pahsco
Irrigation syringe bulb G 03002 B Pahsco
Inflatable facemask All Size Pahsco
Free trachea / closed suction 10-14 Pahsco
Free trachea / closed suction 72 HOURS 5-6-8 Pahsco
Free trachea / closed suction 72 HOURS 10-14 Pahsco
Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alat Kesehatan RIESTER

Nama Cat  Merek 
Mancet bandage - 2 tubing - adult  102  Riester 
Mancet velcro - 2 tubing - adult  108  Riester 
Mancet velcro - 1 tubing - adult  110  Riester 
Manchet velcro - 2 tubing - child 130  Riester 
Manchet velcro - 2 tubing - baby 133  Riester 
Manchet velcro - 1 tubing - adult - 1piece 150  Riester 
Manchet velcro - 2 tubing - adult - 1piece 151  Riester 
Manchet velcro - 1 tubing - adult large - 1piece 152  Riester 
Manchet velcro - 2 tubing - obese - 1piece 153  Riester 
Manchet velcro - 1 tubing - child - 1piece 154  Riester 
Manchet velcro - 2 tubing - child - 1piece 155  Riester 
Tensimeter raksa - Ecoline 1000  Riester 
Tensimeter raksa - Nova (bandage) 1030  Riester 
Tensimeter raksa - Nova (velcro) 1032  Riester 
Tensimeter raksa - Nova wall 1040  Riester 
Tensimeter raksa - Nova stand 1050  Riester 
Tensimeter raksa - Empire desk 1092  Riester 
Tensimeter raksa - Empire wall 1100  Riester 
Tensimeter raksa - Empire stand 1110  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - ri-shock proof black 1250.101  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - ri-shock proof black 1 tube velcro 1250.107  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - ri-shock proof white 1251.101  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Ecxacta 1350  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - N-shock proof 1 tube velcro 1364.107  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum e-mega white 1370.107  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum e-mega black 1375.107  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Baby phone 1440  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Bigben desk 1451  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Bigben wall 1457  Riester 
Bigben wall SQUARE 1463  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Bigben stand 1466  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Bigben stand SQUARE 1476  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Bigben stand - velcro cuff 1478  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Bigben anasthetic 1486  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Bigben anasthetic SQUARE 1493  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Ri-san, Grey 1512  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Ri-san, Blue 1517  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Ri-san, Saffran 1522  Riester 
Tensimeter jarum - Ri-san, Green 1527  Riester 
Tensimeter digital - Ri-champion 1725.145  Riester 
RI-CARDIO APBM 24H BP Device + cuff std & L 1760  Riester 
Ri-medic table top 1780  Riester 
Ri-medic table + blue tooth 1781  Riester 
Ri-medic floor w/o basket 1782  Riester 
Ri-medic floor w/ basket 1782  Riester 
Ri-medic floor w/o basket + bluetooth 1783  Riester 
Ri-medic wall 1784  Riester 
Otoscope UNI 1 2010  Riester 
Diagnostic set - Econom 2050  Riester 
Otoscope  2056.200  Riester 
Otoscope halogen lamp 2056.201  Riester 
Otoscope pen scope 2060  Riester 
Opthalmoscope 2070  Riester 
Opthalmoscope 2076  Riester 
Otoscope e-scope  2100.200  Riester 
Otoscope e-scope 2101.200  Riester 
Otoscope e-scope F.O 2110.203  Riester 
Otoscope e-scope F.O 2110.203  Riester 
Opthalmoscope e-scope  2120.200  Riester 
Opthalmoscope e-scope  2121.200  Riester 
Opthalmoscope e-scope F.O 2122.203  Riester 
Opthalmoscope e-scope F.O 2123.203  Riester 
Oto - opthalmoscope e-scope 2130.200  Riester 
Oto - opthalmoscope e-scope 2131.200  Riester 
Otoscope Ri-mini 3010  Riester 
Ri-mini opthalmoscope 3011  Riester 
Ri-mini otoscope + opthalmoscope, 1 handle 3012  Riester 
Ri-scope L otoscope L1 3700  Riester 
Ri-scope L otoscope L3 3704  Riester 
Stetoscope adult 4001  Riester 
Stetoscope adult - teaching stetoscope 4002  Riester 
Stetoscope child 4041  Riester 
Stetoscope Neo 4051  Riester 
Stetoscope cardiophone 4131  Riester 
Stetoscope duplex 2.0 adult aluminium chestpiece all black 4201.01  Riester 
Hammer reflex - taylor stainless steel / triangle 5030  Riester 
Hammer reflex - Buck / double end 5035  Riester 
Hammer reflex - Berliner / axe 5055  Riester 
Pen light 5070  Riester 
Sparebulb pen-light 11177  Riester 
Torniquet, Ri-clip 5000  Riester 
Ri-light 5090  Riester 
Tonometer - Schiotz 5112  Riester 
Garputala set of 8 stainless steel 5140  Riester 
Garputala set of 5 stainless steel 5141  Riester 
Garputala set of 5 aluminium 5142  Riester 
Garputala C 64 5160  Riester 
Garputala C 128 5161  Riester 
Garputala C 512 5166  Riester 
Stetoscope doublehead aluminium headpiece 4061  Riester 
Stetoscope doublehead stainles steel headpiece 4081  Riester 
Stetoscope Tri Star in pouch 4090  Riester 
Stetoscope Tri Star in box 4091  Riester 
Garputala C 512 5166  Riester 
Salphinograph 5250  Riester 
Comprimeter / pneumatic torniquet child 5255.005  Riester 
Comprimeter / pneumatic torniquet adult 5255.007  Riester 
Spirometer 5260  Riester 
Mouth Piece for spirometer (10 pcs) 11232  Riester 
Metpack 500 5270  Riester 
metpack 1000 5275  Riester 
Headlamp 6090 6090  Riester 
Headlamp 6091 6091  Riester 
Headlamp Ri-focus 6120  Riester 
Ri magic LED 6250  Riester 
Ri magic HP-LED + power pack 6252  Riester 
Laryngoscope Mc Intosch adult 7040  Riester 
Laryngoscope Mc Intosch child 7050  Riester 
Laryngoscope Miller 7070  Riester 
Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alat Kesehatan RUSCH

Folley catheter - ultrasil 06 3171  Rusch 
Folley catheter - 2Ways - Imex 08-10 9811  Rusch 
Folley catheter - 2Ways - Imex 12-24 9813  Rusch 
Folley catheter - 3Ways - Imex 18-24 9815  Rusch 
Head harness Adult / Child 9912  Rusch 
Endo tracheal tube - clear - without cuff 2.0-6.0 100380  Rusch 
Endo tracheal tube non kinking - clear - with cuff 3.5-9.0 103902  Rusch 
ETT w/ cuff  3.0-9.0 112482  Rusch 
ETT w/ cuff  2.5 112482  Rusch 
Tracheostomy W/CUFF W/O INNER CANNULA 3.5-8.0 121610  Rusch 
Guedel Red 000-6 124501  Rusch 
Guedel clear 000-6 124700  Rusch 
Nasopharyngeal 24-32 125200  Rusch 
Rebreathing bag 1.0 / 1.5 /2.0 / 2.3 151000  Rusch 
Rebreathing bag 0.5 / 3.0 151000  Rusch 
Rebreathing bag 3.5 / 5.0 151000  Rusch 
Rubber band - 154500  Rusch 
Facemask black rubber 0-6 154601  Rusch 
Facemask transparant silicone 0-5 154900  Rusch 
Folley silicone 06-10 170003  Rusch 
Folley silicone 12-18 170605  Rusch 
Folley silicone 18-24 170630  Rusch 
Puncture set infant 08 170702  Rusch 
Puncture set adult 10-12 170703  Rusch 
Puncture set PCN 3-steps 06    Rusch 
Folley silicone 24 173810  Rusch 
Kerr T-tube 03-08 178700  Rusch 
2W Gold anak 08-10 180003  Rusch 
2W Gold dws 12-24 180630  Rusch 
Preconnected 2W Gold   181100  Rusch 
3W Gold 18-24 183430  Rusch 
Breathing circuit 150 cm 191090  Rusch 
Eco ureter stent w/o  guide wire 26 / 28 / 30cm 4.8 /6.0 / 7.0 310000  Rusch 
Eco ureter stent w/ guide wire 26 cm 4.8 /6.0 / 7.0  310001  Rusch 
Eco ureter stent w/ guide wire 28 cm 4.8 /6.0 / 7.0 310001  Rusch 
Ureter stent 26 cm 4.8 /6.0 / 7.0 334702  Rusch 
Superglide DD Tumour 26 cm 6.0/7.0/8.0 335626  Rusch 
Neprostomy, puncture set PCN 2 steps  08 340012  Rusch 
Stone 5R cylindycal tip 03 341401  Rusch 
Stone 4R cylindycal tip 04 341500  Rusch 
Stone 5R cylindycal tip 05 341501  Rusch 
Rectal tube 10 cm 04-06 431100  Rusch 
Rectal tube 20 cm 06-11 431600  Rusch 
Rectal tube 20 cm 12 431600  Rusch 
Rectal tube 30 cm 07-10 436400  Rusch 
Rectal tube 30 cm 11-12 436400  Rusch 
Silicone tubing 3x5 471600  Rusch 
Silicone tubing 4x6 471600  Rusch 
Silicone tubing 5x7 471600  Rusch 
Silicone tubing 6x9 471600  Rusch 
Silicone tubing 7x10 471600  Rusch 
Silicone tubing 8x12 471600  Rusch 
Silicone tubing 6x12 471600  Rusch 
Silicone tubing 10x14 471600  Rusch 
Intubation stylet 1.5-5.6 503000  Rusch 
Nelathon 08-24 510701  Rusch 
Pessarium  5.0-5.5 627000  Rusch 
Pessarium  6.0-8.0 627000  Rusch 
Pessarium silicone 5.0-8.0 627001  Rusch 
Soft Simplastic Folley Cath 12-26 660610  Rusch 
Folley catheter couvelarie simplastic 16-24 664130  Rusch 
ETT ENDOSOFT 3-9 672482  Rusch 
S bag (urine bag) - 673044  Rusch 
U bag (urinometer) - 673064  Rusch 
Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123


Nama barang Cat Merk
NOC Conventional 1056 Salter Labs
O2 Mask Paediatric Mediun Concentration 1122 Salter Labs
O2 Mask Paediatric High Concentration 1127 Salter Labs
O2 Mask Paediatric High Concentration w/ 1 safety vent, Non Rebreathing Mask 1130 Salter Labs
O2 Mask Paediatric High Concentration w/ 2 safety vent, Non Rebreathing Mask 1140 Salter Labs
Nipple nuts 1205 Salter Labs
Nasal O2 Canul Adult 1600 Salter Labs
Nasal O2 Canul Adult 1600 SOFT Salter Labs
Nasal O2 Canul Paediatric 1602 Salter Labs
Nasal O2 Canul Premature 1610 Salter Labs
Nasal O2 Canul Neonatal 1611 Salter Labs
Nasal O2 Canul Adult with female thread grip connector 1699-14 Salter Labs
O2 connecting tube 2002 Salter Labs
O2 mask Adult Medium concentration, over the ear 8005 Salter Labs
O2 mask Adult Medium concentration,  elastic strap 8110 Salter Labs
O2 mask Adult High concentration Rebreathing Mask 8120 Salter Labs
O2 mask Adult High concentration Non Rebreahting Mask 8130 Salter Labs
O2 Express pneumatic converser 8511 Salter Labs
Nebutech HDN nebuliser reuseable 8660 Salter Labs
Nebuliser adult with T mouth piece 8900 Salter Labs
Nebulizer adult with mask  8904 Salter Labs
Nebulizer child with mask  8906 Salter Labs
Nebulizer adult with T mouth piece anti frool 8911 Salter Labs
Nebutech HDN nebuliser reuseable with mouth piece and  2 ONE WAY VALVE 8960 Salter Labs
Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Produk Assistent

Nama Barang Size   Merk
Cover Glass 18x18   Assistant
Cover Glass 20x20   Assistant
Cover Glass 22x22   Assistant
Cover Glass 24x24   Assistant
Cover Glass 24x40   Assistant
Cover Glass 24x60 (50)   Assistant
Cover Glass 24x60 (100)   Assistant
Heparin     Assistant
Plain     Assistant
Micropipet      Assistant
Mricopipet adj     Assistant
Haemocytometer set w/ Neubeur counting chamber 422/2   Assistant
Neubeur counting chamber     Assistant
F Rosenthal counting chamber     Assistant
Pipet Leucocyt     Assistant
Pipet Erytrocyt     Assistant
BBS Apparatus Wertergreen 5 tubes 367/05  
BBS Apparatus Wertergreen 10 tubes 367/10  
Pipet westergreen    380 Assistant
Hb Sahli in cardbord box     Assistant
HB pipet     Assistant
HB tube     Assistant
Petridish     Assistant
Petridish sekat 3     Assistant
Hemometer glass stirer     Assistant
Mouthpiece with rubber tubing, red     Assistant
Mouthpiece with rubber tubing, white     Assistant
HB book talquist     Assistant
Measuring cylinder  5 2200/5 Assistant
Measuring cylinder  10 2200/10 Assistant
Measuring cylinder  25 2200/25 Assistant
Measuring cylinder  50 2200/50 Assistant
Measuring cylinder  100 2200/100 Assistant
Measuring cylinder  250 2200/250 Assistant
Measuring cylinder  500 2200/500 Assistant
Measuring cylinder  1000 2200/1000 Assistant
Washing bottle 250 9102/250 Assistant
Washing bottle 500 9102/500 Assistant
Washing bottle 1000 9102/1000 Assistant
Measuring Pipette 10   Assistant
Volumetric Pipette 5   Assistant
Volumetric Pipette 10   Assistant
Volumetric Pipette 25   Assistant
Micropipet      Assistant
Staining jar berdiri 2460   Assistant
Staining jar tidur 2450   Assistant
staining frame + handle 2481/2   Assistant
Test tube 160 x 16   Assistant
Test tube with screw 160 x 16   Assistant
Test tube 100 x12   Assistant
Test tube 100 x 10   Assistant
Test tube 75 x 12   Assistant
Test tube 75 x 10   Assistant
Test tube 35 x 6   Assistant
Test tube centrifuge 10 ml ungraduated 938/98  
Test tube centrifuge 15 ml ungraduated 938  
Test tube centrifuge 15 ml graduated 939/2  
Timer   1974 Assistant
Litmus paper in booklet  red   Assistant
Litmus paper in booklet  blue   Assistant
Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alat Pemadam Carbon Dioxide 2kg

Tampilan yang tinggi
Penggunaan yang luas
Mudah dalam pengoperasian
Penggunaan untuk safety
Untuk Browsure silahkan hubungi CS

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Alat Pemadam Carbon Dioxide 3kg

Tampilan yang tinggi
Penggunaan yang luas
Mudah dalam pengoperasian
Penggunaan untuk safety
Untuk Browsure silahkan hubungi CS

Rp 950.000
Rp 800.000Rp 800.000

Alat Pemadam kebakaran 3kg

Alat Pemadam Api Protect Dry Chemical Powder 3 Kg


Ukuran : 3 Kg

Type : Dry Powder

Class : ABC (Kayu, Plastik, Karet, Kertas, Minyak, Solar, Bensin dan Listrik)

Fungsi : Kamar dan Mobil.

Rp 1.200.000
Rp 950.000Rp 950.000

Alat Pemadam kebakaran 6kg

Alat Pemadam Api Protect Dry Chemical Powder 6 Kg


Ukuran :6 Kg

Type : Dry Powder

Class : ABC (Kayu, Plastik, Karet, Kertas, Minyak, Solar, Bensin dan Listrik)

Fungsi : Kamar dan Mobil

Rp 1.400.000
Rp 1.300.000Rp 1.300.000

Alat Pemadam kebakaran 9kg

Alat Pemadam Api Protect Dry Chemical Powder 9 Kg

Ukuran : 9 Kg

Type : Dry Powder

Class : ABC (Kayu, Plastik, Karet, Kertas, Minyak, Solar, Bensin dan Listrik)

Fungsi : Kamar dan Mobil

Rp 2.900.000
Rp 2.700.000Rp 2.700.000

Gas Carbogen 1m3

Carbogen is a mixture of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen (20% Oxygen / 80% Carbon Dioxide), it is used to stimulate breathing in the treatment of respiratory disease.Carbogen is used in a number of medical applications, administration is by mask or endotracheal tube. It is used to stimulate respiration in situations such as the investigation and assessment of chronic respiratory disease, to stimulate breathing after a period of apnoea, and in the management of chronic respiratory obstruction after the obstruction has been relieved. Carbogen is also added to a number of anaesthetic and oxygenation mixtures used under special conditions such as cardio-pulmonary bypass surgery and the management of renal dialysis.

Rp 4.300.000
Rp 3.900.000Rp 3.900.000

Gas Carbogen 6m3

Carbogen is a mixture of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen (20% Oxygen / 80% Carbon Dioxide), it is used to stimulate breathing in the treatment of respiratory disease.Carbogen is used in a number of medical applications, administration is by mask or endotracheal tube. It is used to stimulate respiration in situations such as the investigation and assessment of chronic respiratory disease, to stimulate breathing after a period of apnoea, and in the management of chronic respiratory obstruction after the obstruction has been relieved. Carbogen is also added to a number of anaesthetic and oxygenation mixtures used under special conditions such as cardio-pulmonary bypass surgery and the management of renal dialysis.

Rp 950.000
Rp 900.000Rp 900.000

Tabung Oksigen 1m3

1 set isi :
Tabung + isi ukuran 1 M3
Selang Oxygen kehidung Kondisi baru
Regulator Oxygen
Trolley untuk memudahkan mobilisasi
Harga belum ongkos kirim

Bilirubin Hematocrit Meter BHT-205

Barang indent 3 Bulan

Measuring items

BHt-205:Bilirubin & Hematocrit

Light source

455nm, 525nmLEDfor Bilirubin
Infrared LED (for Hematocrit)

Measuring range

030mg/dl (Bilirubin)
1090% (Hematocrit)




3digits LED

Power Source

AC 100V / 220V ±10%

Power consumption

2W approx.


250[W] 330[D] 160[H]mm



Specifications subject to change without notice.


Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Bilirubin Meter B-105N Erma

Barang Indent 3 Bulan


Measuring items

BHt-205:Bilirubin & Hematocrit

Light source

455nm, 525nmLEDfor Bilirubin
Infrared LED (for Hematocrit)

Measuring range

030mg/dl (Bilirubin)
1090% (Hematocrit)




3digits LED

Power Source

AC 100V / 220V ±10%

Power consumption

2W approx.


250[W] 330[D] 160[H]mm



Specifications subject to change without notice.

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Bilirubin Meter Erma B105


Bilirubin Meter B-105

DIMENSIONS (HXWXD), CM, (IN) 16 x 25 x 33 (6.3 x 9.8 x 13)
WEIGHT, kg (lb) (DISPLAY) 6 (13)
Total (DIMENSIONS (LXWXH) CM, (IN)) Direct colorimetry
Range, mg/dl (OUTPUT) 0-30
Units (DISPLAY) mg/dL
Bilirubin measured (SPECIFICATIONS) Total
TECHNIQUE Spectrophotometric
PATIENT AGE (Drift) Neonate
FDA CLEARANCE (Interference compensation) No
CE MARK (MDD) (Interference compensation) Yes
MARKETING REGION (Interference compensation) Worldwide
Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Digital Hemoglobin Meter Hb-20N

Barang Indent 3 Bulan

Measuring method

SLS Hemogiobin method

Measuring range



3digits LED



Dilution ratio


Light Sourrce

530nm LED

Power Source

AC 100V / 220V ±10%


250[W] 330[D] 145[H]mm



Specifications subject to change without notice.

Rp 28.000.000
Rp 22.500.000Rp 22.500.000

Total Bilirubin Meter

Barang indent 1-3 Bulan
Features:1.Intended Use: OET-TB10 Total Bilirubin Meter is
designed for the quantitative determination of total bilirubin in
2.Measurement principle: direct photometric.
3.Measuring procedure: 0-30mg/dl
a.Collect blood sample with capillary.
b.Put capillary with sample on centrifuge about 5min with
3000R/min, the blood sample in capillary will be separate to serum
and blood cell.
c.Put capillary into measuring well of OET-TB10.
d.The result will out put in 10 sec.
4. Capillary: 75mm/60μL disposable capillary. The Hirschmann
Laborgerate product(REF.9100260) is recommended.
5.Light source: long life time white light LED.
6.Photometer: bi-chromatic, 405nm (M) and 578nm(S) filter.
7.Sample volume: 40-45μL (2/3-3/4 of the total capillary volume).
8.Printer: 58mm thermal printer.
9.Display: 16*2 ASC code LCD with backlit.
10.Connect Port:Standard RS232 port.
11.Power supply: AC 100-240V 50/60Hz, DC12V 3A.
12.Weight: 2kgs(net) 3kg(gross).
13.Dimension: 160mm*240mm*70mm.

Rp 67.000.000
Rp 60.000.000Rp 60.000.000

Photometer RD-60

  • Semi auto analyzer / fotometer
  • Methode : absorbance, titik akhir, kinetis, waktu tetap, different standart.
  • 6 filter interferens : 340, 405, 505, 546, 578, 630, dan 2 free opsi.
  • 80 ul mengalir melalui sel dan jalur optik 10 mm.
  • Temperatur dari 20 – 45°C.
  • Dapat membaca dengan cuvet macro dan semi micro.
  • Dilengkapi dengan incubator 23well.
  • Program sebanyak 199 jenis dan OPEN SISTEM.
  • Dilengkapi dengan print out.
  • Kalibrasi pemeriksaan kinetis dan warning untuk hasil yang abnormal.
Rp 19.000.000
Rp 18.000.000Rp 18.000.000

Urine Analyzer RD-120

Rp 100.000
Rp 95.000Rp 95.000

Stik Asam Urat Easy Touch

Strip/ Stik Asam Urat/Uric Acid khusus alat Easy Touch GCU
dengan chip kode di dalam tube

Satuan: kemasan tube isi 25pcs  

Rp 180.000
Rp 150.000Rp 150.000

Stik Cholestrol Easy Touch

Strip/Stik Kolesterol/Cholesterol khusus untuk alat Easy Touch GCU
dengan chip kode dalam kemasan tube

Satuan: tube isi 10 pcs  

Rp 100.000
Rp 95.000Rp 95.000

Stik Gula Easy Touch

Refill Strip Gula Darah Easy Touch
isi : 25 Strips

Rp 300.000
Rp 240.000Rp 240.000

Alat Test Gula darah GCHb Easytouch

EasyTouch GCHb adalah Alat cek kadar 3 parameter darah, yaitu: gula darah (G), kolesterol (C) & hemoglobin (Hb).

Paket 1 set alat EasyTouch GCHb terdiri dari :
1. Unit alat/mesin ukur GCHb
2. Memory utk penyimpanan nilai kadar gula sebanyak 200, Hb 100 dan kolesterol 50.
3. 10 strip gula darah (glucose)
4. 5 strip hemoglobin
5. 2 strip kolesterol
6. Tas penyimpanan
7. Lancing device (alat pencoblos)
8. Jarum lancet
9. Chip test (utk mempersiapkan alat guna pengetesan parameter darah yg sesuai)
10. Baterai
11. Buku Petunjuk Pemakaian

Rp 300.000
Rp 220.000Rp 220.000

Alat Test Gula Darah GCU Easy Touch

EasyTouch GCU adalah alat cek darah dengan 3 fungsi yaitu cek Kolesterol , cek Gula Darah dan Asam Urat.
GCU Easy Touch 3in1 adalah sebuah terobosan dalam proses diagnosis darah, karena alat ini mempermudah dan mempercepat hasil pengecekan kadar darah yang penting hanya dalam satu alat.

Alat test darah ini mampu mengukur dari sample darah :
1. Kadar Gula Darah
2. Kadar Kolesterol
3. Kadar Asam Urat

Easy Touch GCU Kenapa Harus Easy Touch GCU? Mudah Dibaca. Tampilan LCD besar (35 x 45 mm)
Hasil Easy Touch GCU hanya 10 detik (glukosa) / 20 detik (asam urat) / 150 detik (kolesterol)
200 glukosa & 50 asam urat & kolesterol test memory, Meteran mengidentifikasi strip secara otomatis

Dalam satu set alat test darah EasyTouch GCU ini meliputi :
- 1 buah alat test darah EasyTouch
- 10 buah strip pengecekan gula darah
- 10 buah strip pengecekan asam urat
- 2 buah strip pengecekan kolesterol
- Tas alat
- Lancing device
- 25 buah jarum lancet
- 2 buah baterai AAA
- Buku cara penggunaan

Easy Touch GCU Spesifikasi:
Dimensi meter H x W x D (mm) : 88 x 64 x 22
- Berat : 5 gram, tanpa baterai
- Ketahanan baterai : lebih dari 1000 kali
- Teknologi yang digunakan : Electrode-based Biosensor

Rp 340.000
Rp 295.000Rp 295.000

Alat Test Gula darah GCU Nesco

  • Nesco GCU Meter
  • Check Strip (utk mengecek kondisi GCU Meter)
  • Autoklik Puncturer (alat pengambil sampel darah)
  • Carrying Case (tas penyimpan alat)
  • 20 buah Lancet (jarum pengambil sampel darah)
  • Battery AAA x 2
  • 10 strip asam urat
  • Petunjuk Penggunaan (User Manual)
  • 10 strip gula darah
  • 2 strip kolesterol
Rp 1.380.000
Rp 1.250.000Rp 1.250.000

BD Microtainer 21G x 1.8mm

Designed with a positive patient experience in mind. BD™ Microtainer™ Contact-Activated Lancet facilitates a consistent puncture depth and accurate positioning to minimize the likelihood of having to repeat the puncture. Features an ergonomic grip and automatic lancet retraction.

Manufacturer:  BD™ 366593

These Contact-Activated Lancets are part of the BD Microtainer™ Capillary Products line. This system is designed to provide safety, accuracy and comfort for capillary blood sampling and collection, to meet varying sample requirements and meet the needs of the most fragile patients.

  • Has an ergonomic design for a comfortable, secure grip that minimizes slippage during puncture
  • Intuitive, one-step procedure enables fast, precise punctures with minimal training
  • Activates only when it is positioned and pressed against the skin
  • Produces a consistent puncture depth, independent of the clinician’s technique
  • Covers only a small area for improved visibility of the site and more accurate positioning
  • Design prevents product from being reused, reducing the possibility of contamination
  • Automatic retraction of lancet into device minimizes the possibility of injury
  • The lot number is laser etched on each lancet for easier tracking

Rp 1.340.000
Rp 1.200.000Rp 1.200.000

BD Microtainer 30G x 1.5mm

Designed with a positive patient experience in mind. BD™ Microtainer™ Contact-Activated Lancet facilitates a consistent puncture depth and accurate positioning to minimize the likelihood of having to repeat the puncture. Features an ergonomic grip and automatic lancet retraction.

Manufacturer:  BD™ 366592


These Contact-Activated Lancets are part of the BD Microtainer™ Capillary Products line. This system is designed to provide safety, accuracy and comfort for capillary blood sampling and collection, to meet varying sample requirements and meet the needs of the most fragile patients.

  • Has an ergonomic design for a comfortable, secure grip that minimizes slippage during puncture
  • Intuitive, one-step procedure enables fast, precise punctures with minimal training
  • Activates only when it is positioned and pressed against the skin
  • Produces a consistent puncture depth, independent of the clinician’s technique
  • Covers only a small area for improved visibility of the site and more accurate positioning
  • Design prevents product from being reused, reducing the possibility of contamination
  • Automatic retraction of lancet into device minimizes the possibility of injury
  • The lot number is laser etched on each lancet for easier tracking