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Rp 300.000
Rp 265.000Rp 265.000

BD Vacuntainer 10ml Plain

  • Used for serum determinations in blood chemistry analysis. Ideal for blood donor screening, immunohematology and diagnostic testing of blood serum for infectious disease.
  • Plastic Tube Size: 16 x 100mm. Draw Volume: 10mL.
  • Conventional rubber closure type. Color: Red.
  • Label Type: Paper.
  • Additive & Concentration: Clot Activator, Silicone-Coated.
  • 100/Pack; 10 Packs/Case.
  • Manufacturer: BD Biosciences
  • Manufacturer Part No: 367820
Rp 550.000
Rp 480.000Rp 480.000

Lampu Infrared Nesco

NESCO Infrared Medical Lamp
Provide relief for Muscular Ache and Pain

Infrared Heat Energy Penetrating Into the Muscles Tissues and Joints.
Increasing Blood Circulation
Speeding Oxygen Flow
Promoting Cellular Functioning

100% UV Safe
300 Watt Radiant Warmth
15-Minute Personal Timer
35 Titlting Lamp Angle for Precise Treatment
40 x 30 cm Treatment Zone
30 cm Treatment Distance
Hands-Off Glass Indicator
Medical CE Approved

Description :

Effectively provides relief to muscular aches and pain.
It uses infrared heat which penetrates into tissues, muscles and bones and speeds up blood circulation to help body detoxify and increases blood vessel resilience to ease muscle soreness and relieve back pain.

Infrared lamp: 300 Watt radiant warmth.
UV proof.
With countdown timer and auto off function.
Adjustable lamp angle for comfort use.
With Hands Off glass warning indicator.
With built in cool down ventilator.
Recommended treatment body areas: shoulder, lower back, arm, leg.
Recommended treatment distance: 30cm.
Power: AC plug.

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Tabung Nitro Oxide 25kg

nama lain N2O digunakan sebagai anestesia dalam Rumah sakit

Rp 1.234
Rp 123Rp 123

Tabung Nitro Oxide 4kg

nama lain N2O digunakan sebagai anestesia dalam Rumah sakit

Rp 1.500.000
Rp 1.300.000Rp 1.300.000

Gas Nitrogen 1m3

Harga Tertera belum termasuk :

Trolley,Regulator,dan Sealng

Rp 2.300.000
Rp 2.000.000Rp 2.000.000

Gas Nitrogen 6m3

Harga Tertera belum termasuk :

Trolley,Regulator,dan Sealng

Rp 1.500.000
Rp 1.400.000Rp 1.400.000

Tabung Hydrogen 1 m3 plus isi

Harga Tertera belum termasuk :

Trolley,Regulator,dan Selang

Rp 2.500.000
Rp 2.350.000Rp 2.350.000

Tabung Hydrogen 6 m3 plus isi

Harga Tertera belum termasuk :

Trolley,Regulator,dan Selang

Rp 700.000
Rp 650.000Rp 650.000

Drying Rack

Rp 2.000.000
Rp 1.750.000Rp 1.750.000

Syiringe Filter Holder

Diameter : 25 mm,STAINLESS STEEL Syringe Filter Holder

Rp 98.000.000
Rp 89.000.000Rp 89.000.000

Manekin Rectal Toucher NASCO

The Prostate Examination Simulator is an indispensable model for both students and professionals.
Instructors have the ability to teach techniques of prostate examination with no harm or embarrassment to real patients. Now every student can learn to detect beginning stages of prostate cancer and increase chances of patient survival.
Four separate prostate glands are supplied with the torso, representing one benign gland and three stages of prostatic carcinoma in varying degrees of development.
Each gland can be inserted into the prostate torso to allow realistic practice in diagnosis by rectal palpation.
STAGE A GLAND - Benign, slightly enlarged, but otherwise normal prostate gland.
STAGE B GLAND - A discrete, hard nodule is palpable in the upper right quadrant. This simulates a beginning stage of carcinoma.
STAGE C GLAND - The spread of carcinoma is demonstrated in this gland. The small nodule has increased in size and has become an external hard mass on the surface of the gland.
STAGE D GLAND - This gland is totally replaced with carcinoma. The entire gland will feel hard and irregular.
Life/form® Prostate Examination Simulator is complete with four glands, hard carrying case, lubricant, and teaching guide. Five-year warranty. Size: 22" W x 15" D x 12" H.

Rp 75.000.000
Rp 50.000.000Rp 50.000.000

pemeriksaan payudara GAUMARD

A task trainer with left and right · breasts attached to an adult upper torso. The left breast provides pathologies for breast self examination (BSE) training, while the right breast provides pathologies for clinical breast examination training.
· Left breast contains four masses in the breast tissue and two masses in the axilla region. The masses range in size from 14 to 19 mm, and their depths range from 6 to 16 mm beneath the surface Right Breast contains enlarged lymph node, fibroadenoma, fibrocystic mass and fluid-filled cyst (ranging from 12 to 24 mm)
· Breasts are attached to torso and can be easily removed and reassembled
· Simulator can be used in either the upright or reclining position
· Medium skin tone standard
· Optional ight or dark skin tone · Soft carrying bag
· User Guide
· Realistic texture and look
· Durable

Rp 18.700.000
Rp 16.500.000Rp 16.500.000

Manekin Jahit Luka NASCO

The Life/form® Interactive Suture Trainer offers students a true-to-life clinical simulation experience.
The trainer attaches easily to a person’s or manikin’s arm, leg, or hip, allowing practice of suturing techniques in addition to essential communication and patient interaction skills.
This convenient, cost-effective kit offers practice at all skill levels, including tying knots, placement of staples, and suturing both superficial and deep wounds.
By making their own incisions, the instructor or student is able to determine the depth of suturing and the proper technique to be used.
Wounds automatically open when cut. Includes suture pad, attachable pad base with straps, needle holder, suture scissors, tissue forceps, scalpel, soft carrying case, nylon suture, instrument case, and instruction manual.
Pad in base measures 7" L x 3" W x 4" D. Five-year warranty.

Rp 250.000
Rp 166.000Rp 166.000

BD Flashback Needle 22G

Needle 22Gx 1", 100pcs per box

Rp 340.000
Rp 263.000Rp 263.000

BD Vacuntainer 4.5ml plus citrate

Merek BD,isi 100pcs/Pack

Rp 320.000
Rp 240.000Rp 240.000

BD Vacutainer 3.0ml plus K2EDTA

Merek BD,isi 100pcs/Pak

Rp 250.000
Rp 225.000Rp 225.000

BD vacutainer 4.0 plus Red Top

Merek BD isi per box 100pcs

Rp 300.000
Rp 250.000Rp 250.000

BD vacutainer 4.0ml plus Lithium Heparin

1 pack isi 100pcs Merek BD

Rp 350.000
Rp 292.500Rp 292.500

BD vacutainer 5.0ml plus SSTII

Merek BD,Isi 100pcs/Box

Rp 450.000
Rp 400.000Rp 400.000

Pen Needle 31Gx8 BD

Pen Needle 31x5 BD

BD Micro Fine Plus 0.25mm (31G) X 5mm Pen Needles 100 CT (ineternational ver / with korean manual)


Rp 150.000
Rp 120.000Rp 120.000

Vaculab 3ml K3EDTA

Spesifikasi :
Ukuran 13 x 75mm
Zat additive  EDTAK3
Volume 3ml
Bahan tabung Kaca

Rp 160.000
Rp 135.000Rp 135.000


Isi 100 Pcs/Pack

Rp 160.000
Rp 125.000Rp 125.000

Vaculab Plain 3ml

Spesifikasi :
Ukuran 13 x 75mm
Zat additive  Plain
Volume 3ml
Bahan tabung Kaca

Rp 30.000
Rp 23.000Rp 23.000


Menopause test kit is a tool for early detection of menopause women

  • Accuracy 98 %
  • Results will be read in less than 10 minutes
Rp 75.000
Rp 65.000Rp 65.000

Test Kehamilan

Urine hCG pregnancy test strip is instant pregnancy test that is sensitive , accurate and economical

  • Type : HCG Urine
  • Brand : Onemed
  • Shape : Strip
  • Size : 2.5mm x 7.5cm
  • Sensitivity : 20 miu/ mL
  • Accuracy : > 99 %
  • Specifity : > 99 %
  • No Cross Activity
Rp 350.000
Rp 240.000Rp 240.000

Alat Cek Gula darah GCHb EasyTouch

Tiap 1 kit terdiri dari :
1 buah alat tes darah EasyTouch
10 buah strip pengecekan gula darah
10 buah strip pengecekan HB
2 buah strip pengecekan kolesterol
Tas alat
Lancing device
Jarum lancet
2 buah baterai AAA
Buku cara penggunaan
Garansi Service seumur hidup

Rp 300.000
Rp 220.000Rp 220.000

Alat cek gula darah GCU Easytouch

Tiap 1 kit terdiri dari :
1 buah alat tes darah EasyTouch
10 buah strip pengecekan gula darah
10 buah strip pengecekan asam urat
2 buah strip pengecekan kolesterol
Tas alat
Lancing device
Jarum lancet
2 buah baterai AAA
Buku cara penggunaan
Garansi Service seumur hidup